Burgess Family of three...for now

A look into what we ordinarily do...sometimes not that ordinary.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Wondering what all of this is?
It's Clint's school project that took us all morning to do today.
I am proud of our brilliant idea and how well it turned out. We deserve something special for all the hard work we put into it.

Can't wait to find out what we get..........in terms of a grade of course.


  1. Do I see that the Cricut may have contributed to Clint's education!??? Good job, Cec.

  2. Wow, how much are you paying ASU so he can do arts and crafts? At least it looks good, good job!

  3. Seriously the most expensive arts and crafts class I've ever heard of!
    I think the cricut class they offer for $25 at the Scrapbooking store sounds like an awesome deal now!

  4. Great project. Yeah I told the doctor yesterday what I have been doing with pedialyte and milk and she said I did the right thing. She also had me go get these pills to give her because of throwing up they lose good bacteria so this is suppose to help those come back for her tummy. Hope it goes well with you.

  5. I love it!!!!!!!! good job Ceci, so domestic.
