Burgess Family of three...for now

A look into what we ordinarily do...sometimes not that ordinary.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My friend who has a blog but doesn't blog...

I have this friend, Jackwa Kneel (name has been changed to protect her identity) who has a blog that she promises she is going to update pretty much every time I talk to her.......but never does! There was a time in our friendship when I actually believed her so I would obsessively check her blog but to much dissapointment it was always the same posting (which is almost a year old now).

I've decided to blog for her. Since I don't have her password and hacking is not one of my strengths this will just have to do. =)
Plus, I know that she will find this freaking hilarious so maybe that will just do the trick to get her back in the blogging world!

Hi Everyone! I know, it's been forever! I have been such a bad blogger and I am really trying to be better. Here is a very valiant effort to getting everyone caught up on whats been going on in my life....

1. Houston (city has been changed to protect her identity) has been a blast! I totally miss all my friends in AZ seriously ALLLL the time and don't know how I manage with out them.

2. Dave (name has been changed to protect identity) has been doing so well in his classes. He is pretty much the smartest kid and aces all his tests. He is at the top of his class so I am really proud of him. He works hard and it is really paying off.

3. Sadie (name has been changed) is loving it out here too. We've discovered that she doesn't like it when we pull on her ears and she'll even kinda snip at us when we do it.

I've been subbing so that's been taking up my time. I've tried out different grade levels and subjects. I even took the liberty to teach a 5th grade class some Italian!! I am so the best!

There was a Chick-Fil-A that opened up here so I toted myself down there super early in the morning and set up camp for 24 hours and won myself one years worth of Chick-Fil-A!!

I had all this time to kill so I started on some over due crafts.

Here I am boiling in my tent.

Pizza Night,a little different.

Dave and I went to Padre Island. Here's our beautiful view.

I went to AZ to visit a couple of times but I don't have those pics. So much more has happened and I PROMISE I will be better about blogging from now on.

Lastly, here's a pic of my hot friend who is totally awesome and her baby Lina (I'm her zia). We met at Mimi's for breakfast. SO YUMMY!

I miss everyone and I PROMISE I am going to keep up on my blog now! Ciao!!


  1. AWESOME!!!!!! I'm so glad you took the liberty to jumpstart Jackwa'a blogging efforts. Now she'll DEFINITELY do what she's been promising to do all these months.

  2. All I've got to say is check out my blog now!!!! =) I'm still laughing my pants off...

    You're the best, although, I probably shouldn't have posted the picture you posted of my pizza night!!! LOL

  3. Huh, wonder who?

    Loved the ending about her very hot friend and baby! Oh yes how can I forget I also loved the Photoshop edits
