Burgess Family of three...for now

A look into what we ordinarily do...sometimes not that ordinary.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Anniversary...2 years!

I made Clint an awesome (not so healthy breakfast) to celebrate our two year anniversary! Yes, eggs benedict! Can you believe it?? I can't! It was a disaster in the kitchen. I have never in my life made poached eggs and I followed the directions, well I thought so, and so needless to say I did lose an egg or two before I got these right. (They don't make eggs like this in my country.)

Then he treated me to a massage at Fuschia Spa! Loved it!!!!!

I totally am hooked and can't wait for the next occassion, I know what I am requesting!

Isn't my husband so freaking cute!? I am one lucky girl!

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