Burgess Family of three...for now

A look into what we ordinarily do...sometimes not that ordinary.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is what my future holds...

Today I got a complimentary palm reading from one of my clients. Here’s my fortune:
I will have three of these, 
but only two biological. And they will be extroverted, powerful, and will drain me.
I will not ever get a large sum of this, but I won’t have any disparity either.

My career line shows that I will not always be working here  
I will have a change of career into something to do with art, and in my later years I will be a teacher of some sort.
My  something line shows that I am guarded and don’t give out my love easily. As a result my sex line shows that I treat sex like a and whomever I give this to has had to work for it.

According to my Solomon’s Ring, I am as stubborn as one  of these

Based on how I hold my hand. I my family above anything else, but need my space and 


When it comes to giving advice, I have a lot of (good) advice to give but get frustrated when people don’t take it.

I usually give it several times but eventually 
because I get annoyed when people don't take it.


  1. Please tell me you wrote that all down b/c I know your memory is awesome, but that's ridiculous!!! And I'm sure Clint would concur about the working for sex thing. HAHAHAHAHA

  2. You do give advice! I wish I would use it more often... Cuz you are ALWAYS giving advice... Love you tons and miss you!
