Burgess Family of three...for now

A look into what we ordinarily do...sometimes not that ordinary.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Girls' Room...still a work in progress

We decided on yellow and grey for the girls' room and slowly but surely we got some paint up on the walls. Thanks to my little brother Jacob, I didn't have to paint a single wall!

I visited Wood Connection in UT and found some cute ideas for their room. Here are the finished products.
Soon enough we will have it all finished with wall hangings. I'm looking forward to that!

Easter 2012

Easter at Grandpa's for the egg hunt. Being the only grandchild has many benefits.
Grandpa Alan and Abuelita Lari hid 100 eggs for her. She was in heaven!

Easter Sunday we went to church as a family! Yay! We were so grateful that Clint's schedule worked out that way.

After church we came home for a wardrobe change (into her 3rd of 4 Easter dresses) then headed to Abi's for Easter lunch.
Then ended the day at Tia Candi and Tio Armando's for another egg hunt and Easter dinner.